Private Lessons

Lesson Packages

Puppy Love! (For puppies 8 weeks through 5 months)
Get your puppy started right by preventing problems before they start. House training, crate training, mouthing/biting, chewing, basic obedience, socialization, nutrition, walking on a leash, coming when called, attentive focus, self-control and more!
Oh My Dog! (For puppies & dogs ages 6 months and older)
Manners for a harmonious life with your dog! Adolescent pups become more independent and their increasing size makes them hard to handle.
Basic obedience (sit, down, stay), jumping up, over excitability with family/guests, pushy behavior, pulling on leash, running away, bolting through doors, excess barking, and more.
Growly or Reactive Dogs
Puppies and dogs who are reactive on leash (bark, growl, lunge), possessive of food, dog-to-dog or dog-to-person aggression, fear aggression, etc. Additional sessions may be recommended.
Fearful or Anxious Dogs
Dogs with separation anxiety, shyness, fearful, PTSD symptoms, etc. Help dogs learn to cope with the world around them with patience, systematic
desensitization and counter conditioning. Dogs can become calmer and more confident.
Packages consist of a behavior consultation with first lesson, plus customized follow-up sessions (1 hour each), written materials, phone and email support included. Average number of sessions four to six. Sometimes people are enjoying the great progress and schedule even more!